Software demoes start Monday.
CMPT 125:
D101 AS9840
CMPT 126:
D101 AS9804
disk a is local to host A
disk b is local to host B
given the proper setup, A can mount disk A from host B ( a 'network drive or 'remote file system') and access the contents of disk A just as if it were physically connected to host B.
/home/lou : CSIL home directory
/home/lou/sfuhome : ITS home directory --> this is what we need to do ( create a folder within our own home directory and link that to the eclipse environment.
end-of-line conventions:
windows: ctrl + M , ctrl + J
Linux : ctrl + J
Mac : ctrl + M
Demonstrates the basic structure of a java application.
This example also shows the most basic yse of javadoc comments.
the sentence above appears in many places as a symmary. this paragraph will appear in many places as a summary. this paragraph will
public class Lincoln
Prints a presential quote.
public static void main (sring[] args)
( system.out.printin("A quote by Abraham Lincoln:") ;
system.out.printIn("Whatever you are, be a good one.") ; )
What is a class?
A class is the direction for constructing an object
An object is a collection of data and behaviors
- the data are called attributes
- the behaviors are called methods
- attributes and methods are members
data storage :
- inches
- feet
- miles
to {inches, ft, mi}
to get { inches, ft, mi}
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