Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30th - 2011

To create an array :
int[] arrayName = new int[size];
int someVar = arrayName [3];

a class is a blueprint (directions) for creating objects
-attributes (data values ; state)

-methods (algorithms to manipulate the data)

overload: multiple methods with the same name
the compiler chooses the right method based on the method signature:
-types of the parameters
-order of the parameters

to create a class: 

public class Die  {

Maximum value for the die (final meaning we cannot change the max_value anymore)
private final int MAX_VALUE = 6 ;
Value of the die
private int faceValue ;

default constructor
sets the initial fce value to 1
public Die ()
{ faceValue = 1 ; }

constructor with initial face value
public Die (int initialValue)
{faceValue - initialValue ; }

Roll and the die return the result.
public int roll ()
{faceValue = ((int) (math.random().MAX_Value)) +1 ;
return (faceValue) ;}

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 25th - 2011

An array is many instances of a single data type: 37 char, or 352 doubles.

To declare an array:
double[] arrayofDouble = new double[25];
to declare one variable:
double oneDouble ;

the size of an arrat need not be known until runtime

int k ;
k = Integer.valueOf(args[0]);
double[] arrayofDouble = new double[k];

public static main (string [] args) { }

reminder :

double firstDblval, secondDblval ; firstdblval = 42.0; secondDblval = firstDblVal

we're gonna declare :

double [] firstDblArray, secondDblArray ;
firstDblArray = new double[50000] ; ( it creates a reference )
secondDblArray = firstDblArray ;

secondDblArray[42] = 357.8 ;
if (firstDblArray[42] == 357.8)
System.out.println ("True") ;

Will print True !

When we write

if (firstDblArray == secondDblArray) {


What is being checked?

It is checking if the value of firstDblArray is the same as secondDblArray, not the content.


Arrays are a derived class of Object.

When i really want a separate copy of an array, I can clone it.

double[] dblArr1 = new double [50000];
double[] dblArr2 ;
dblArr2 = dblArr1.clone() ;

creates an entirely separate block of space for dblArr2, initialized to the contents of the block of space holding the 50,000 entries of dblArr1

1:14 PM

What if i need a reference to a single value of a basic type ?
-could use double [] trivial = new double[x]

- "Autoboxing" is another way to create a reference to a basic type. for each basic type, a matchin class:

char ===> Character
boolean ==> Boolean
int ====> Integer

Friday, May 20, 2011

May 20th - 2011

Reading: Section 5.7 pages 209-214
first few sections of chap. 5 Classes

Basic Data Types


byte :1byte
short : 2bytes
int : 4bytes
long : 8bytes

Floating Point Values: (IEEE 754)

float : 4bytes +-3.4 * 10^38 to 7 digit decimal
double: 8bytes +-1.7 * 10^308 to 15 digit decimal


for characters
each 2 byte Unicode


Two values: true, False
size is implementation- dependent

Conversion Between Data Types

widening conversion: does not risk loss of information
narrowing conversion : does risk loss of information

conversion from a signed byte/short to char


booleans not convertable

narow -> big to small
widening conversion -> small to big

byte --> smallIt
long -->bigInt

big Int = smallInt // widening-ok

if i want to write:
smallInt = bigInt; //narrowing error
smallInt(byte) BigInt; // narrowing w/
// explicitcast - OK


Assignment conversion: conversion to match right-hand data type to left hand
bigInt = Smallint converts smallInt to bigInt

casting: explicit conversion specified by the programmer

Promotion: when evaluating expressions, the java compiler tries to make bothoperands be the same dara tyoe using widening conversions.
int a, b;
float c,d;
a = 3
b = 4
c = (a/b); --> zero
d= ((float)a)/b) --> 0.75

long a;
float b;

c = a+ b

Many instances of a single basic types.

- Strings are arrays of characters
- Grocery bill is an array of numbers

Java provides arrays as a basic part of the language

-indexed from 0
- all entries are of the same type
- space required for n items of size k is n*k
- indexed by entry
byte[] = arrayeofbyte[5] ;


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 18th - 2011

Memory & Data
- Basic Unit is a bit
- Byte: 8 bits
- Data & instructions are stored in memory
  • Every byte of memory has a unique numeric address
  • To fetch or store in formation, the CPU must specify the numeric address of the information.
Common Prefixes


Byte: 8 bits

Word: " natural unit of data in a processor "

unfortunately, in today's world you will encounter 16-, 32-, & 64-bit processors.

at present, a word is most often 32 bits.

Variable declaration
int someVar ;

Java Data Types

*Java is a strongly typed language
Integer Types:
byte 1 - 2^7 2^7 - 1
short 2 -2^15 2^15 -1
int 4 -2^31 2^31 -1
long 8 -2^63 2^63 - 1

2^31 - 1 = 2,147,484,647

Floating Point
42.24 *10^16
.4224 * 10^18

Current representation: IEEE 754
float occupies 4 bytes the range roughly is +- 3.4* 10^38 which gives us a 7 digit accuracy
double occupies 8 bytes, the range is roughly +11.7*10^308 15 digit accuracy.
(when evaluating range, accuracy, remember that 10 ~= 2^3.3
In 32 bits, there are 2^32 unique codes .
computer arithmetic has severe accuracy challenges.

Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16th - 2011

Office hours: CSIL 9840 or 9804

TAs: after conclusion of demos
Read chap.2 section 7.1, 7.2 (arrays)

class: directions to construct an object

  • a collection of data (attributes)
  • algorithms (methods)
Attributes and methods are both members.
an object is an instantiation of a class.
each object has its own unique data storage all objects can share algorithms.

javadoc -author

args[0] = "-author"
args[1] = ""

in : input from the console (keyboard)
out: output to console (monitor)
err: error output to console (monitor)

in, out and err are members of the class System.
in is an object of class InputStream
out, err are objects of class PrintStream

Syntax defines the way we can compose letters and symbols into a java program.
semantics defines the meaning of a statement in a program
zaphod = 42 ; syntactically correct!

int zaphod ;
zaphod = 42 ;

semanticallt correct!

boolean zaphod ;
zaphod = 42 ;

not semanticallt correct!

Friday, May 13, 2011

May 13th - 2011

Software demoes start Monday.

CMPT 125:

D101 AS9840

CMPT 126:
D101 AS9804

disk a is local to host A
disk b is local to host B
given the proper setup, A can mount disk A from host B ( a 'network drive or 'remote file system') and access the contents of disk A just as if it were physically connected to host B.

/home/lou : CSIL home directory
/home/lou/sfuhome : ITS home directory --> this is what we need to do ( create a folder within our own home directory and link that to the eclipse environment.

end-of-line conventions:
windows: ctrl + M , ctrl + J
Linux : ctrl + J
Mac : ctrl + M

Demonstrates the basic structure of a java application.
This example also shows the most basic yse of javadoc comments.
the sentence above appears in many places as a symmary. this paragraph will appear in many places as a summary. this paragraph will

public class Lincoln
Prints a presential quote.
public static void main (sring[] args)
( system.out.printin("A quote by Abraham Lincoln:") ;
system.out.printIn("Whatever you are, be a good one.") ; )

What is a class?

A class is the direction for constructing an object
An object is a collection of data and behaviors

- the data are called attributes
- the behaviors are called methods
- attributes and methods are members

data storage :
  • inches
  • feet
  • miles
algorithms : add {inches,ft,mi.}
to {inches, ft, mi}
to get { inches, ft, mi}

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 11th - 2011

Read Chapter 1.
At the bottom, a computer understands only binary patterns.
- instructions and data are both binary patterns.
- whether a particular group of bits is instructions or data depends entirely on context.

Progress to higher level languages.
- Machine language (binary patterns)
- Assembly language ( mnemonics in one-to-one correspondence with machine language)
- Fortran & Cobol : first high-level languages.
- Present day : hundreds of languages.

How do we translate a high-level language to machine language?

In particular , Java.

Two general techniques:

Interpretation : Execute line by line as lines of code are written / edit -> run
Compilation : translate to machine code as one unit / edit-> compile-> run

java source code ---> Compiler (JavaC) ---> Java byte code ---> java virtual machine (JVM java virtual machine executes java byte code ) ---> machine language .

Five steps for problem solving

1) Understand the problem
2) Design a solution
3) Consider alternatives & refine the solution
4) Implement the solution
5) Test the solution and fix any problems.

/** --> indicates a javadoc comment
demonstrates the basic structure of a java application
this example also shows the most basic use of javadoc comments.
the sentence above appears in many laces as a summary. this paragraph will appear only in the detailed description of the class. the text of the comment can be followed by special tags, such as '@author', below. the tag section starts at the first line beginning with '@'.
@author lewis & Loftus

public class Lincoln

prints a presedential quote/
public static void main (string[] args)
( system.out.println(" A Quote by Abraham Lincoln:") ;
system.out.println(" Whatever You are, be a good one.") ; )

some comment


- convey the intent of the programmer what is this piece of code supposed to accomplish.
- design assumptions ( particularly implicit assumptions)
- sneaky or clever implementation technique

Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9th - 2011

Lou Hafer
Office: TASC 9421
Office hours: MW 4:30-5:30
Rate My Prof

Eclipse IDE (The environment we work in)
Java Run-time Environment

Text Book We Use :
Java Foundation by Lewis, Depasquale, Chase

Course Website

From CMPT 120:
*Data types and conversions, sections 2.1-2.3,2.5
*Expressions section 2.4
*Strings section 3.2
*Libraries(packages, modules) section 3.3
*Conditionals (if,then,else) section 4.1 - 4.2
*Loops section 4.5,4.7,4.8,
*Subroutines (methods) section 5.4
*Basic Terminal i/o section 2.6

Computing Science:

- Study of algorithms
* Math properties
* Linguistic realization
* Hardware realization
* Application of algorithms

Algorithm : sequence of unambiguous instructions for solving a problem.

- desire efficiency
- desire robustness